THEME: "Frontiers in Oil, Gas, Petroleum Science and Engineering Research"
Time: 09:45 - 10:15
He recently joined the Higher School of Economics as an Associate Professor. He specializes in developing advanced Machine Learning methods to enhance solutions for engineering problems. His research areas encompass a wide range of applications, including hydrocarbon production forecasting, subsurface CO2 storage, and image processing. In addition to his work at HSE, Alexander actively conducts research at Odnoklassniki, a social network, where he contributes to enhancing the existing Machine Learning solutions of the company by integrating cutting-edge research into practical applications. Alexander's research is driven by his industry experience, gained through working in companies like GazpromNeft-STC, Huawei, and Odnoklassniki. This background provides him with valuable insights into industry-related challenges, allowing him to tackle relevant problems and contribute to advancements in the field.
Currently He is working as senior geologist for NOC. He has
worked at petroleum research Centre (PRC) as a Sedimentologist, years of
1986-2009. He has received his PhD from University of Rennes1, France in 2010,
He has more than 37 years of experience in oil industry, authored and
coauthored many published papers. Dr Milad has led a technical team for
petroleum systems assessment of Libya prepared for NOC (2013-2014). In addition
to leading many excursions and field studies during several scientific events
and projects. He experienced in the Paleozoic and Mesozoic rock in western
Title: Challenges in Engineering Design for Biodiesel Processing
Time: 10:45 - 11:15
He is a Process Technology Director and a technical fellow
at Fluor Canada Ltd. and has over 32 years of experience in oil and gas
industries. He holds a master’s degree in environmental engineering from the
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and a PhD in chemical
engineering from the University of Alberta. Dr Ha joined Fluor in 2005 and has
been working on many oil-sands projects like bitumen extraction and upgrading,
petroleum refining, and Petro-chemical projects. In addition to the process
design, Dr Ha focuses on data and methods development to support process
modeling and simulations. He has published more than 40 technical papers in his
Title: Engineering physics solves the problems of quantum mechanics
Time: 11:35 - 12:05
He is currently an academician and doctor of sciences at the
Turan Academy of Sciences, head of the educational department, and associate
professor of the Training Center of the Tashkent State University of
Communications. He graduated from the Tashkent Automobile and Road Institute
and Tashkent Higher Engineering and Pedagogical Institute. Previous main
professional activity: Associate Professor of the Tashkent Automobile and Road
Institute. Directions of scientific activity: fundamental questions of mechanics,
modeling of systems under the action of dynamic forces, atomic physics,
efficiency of internal combustion engines, and sustainable road transport.
More than 30 scientific results have been published in local
and foreign international journals, including 20 books on research on the
atomic structure and efficiency of combustion engines. Owners of two
inventions, four utility models, and five software patents.
Title: Landfill leachate as an alternative water source for Alberta oil and gas development
Time: 12:05 - 12:30
He is a Professor in the Faculty of Science & Technology at Mount Royal University where he teaches courses on groundwater contamination, environmental pollution prevention, and soil remediation. He received his Ph.D. from the Uninversity of Nebraska in Environmental Chemistry. His primary research and professional activities encompass fate and behavior of contaminants, contaminated site investigation and remediation, the use of CLO2/UV system for remediating NAPL contaminated groundwater, the application of electro-coagulation and nano bubble technology to reclaim a variety of wastewater streams as well as evaluating various forward-osmosis membranes suitability for water desalination. Futhermore, he continues to work passionately and successfully on prototyping, developing and implementing practical, innovative, cost effective, and long-lasting water purification systems to bring sustainable safe drinking water to needed communities around the world.
He is mainly engaged in scientific research on safety and
integrity inspection and monitoring of oil and gas production facilities and
intelligent early warning, drilling and completion risk assessment, machinery
fault diagnosis, Non-destructive testing of oil and gas production equipment.
Title: Experimental Study on Stress Corrosion Damage Detection of Horizontal Well Casing
Time: 13:40 - 14:05
He is mainly engaged in the scientific research of oil casing integrity detection and monitoring, safety intelligent diagnosis and non-destructive testing, down hole robot structure design.
Title: Research on Stress Corrosion Simulation and Magnetic Memory Testing of Casing in CO2 Medium
Time: 14:05 - 14:30
She was born in Beijing in 1999, obtained a bachelor's degree from China University of Petroleum (Beijing) in 2018.Now study at China University of Petroleum (Beijing), majoring in Safety Science and Engineering, currently pursuing a PhD.
Title: Challenges and Recent Advancements in Motion Control of Oil Well Drilling Rig
Time: 14:30 - 14:55
He obtained his Ph.D. in petroleum engineering from Sharif University of Technology with expertise in CFD, transport phenomena, contamination transport in porous media, filtration and purification, material physics, polymer, and nanotechnology. Currently, He is working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Technical University of Denmark, where he is focused on conducting research in the field of porous media CT scanning and the development of new polymeric fluids for well plugging and abandonment in collaboration with DTU Physics and DTU Offshore.
He holds PhD, master’s, and bachelor’s degrees in petroleum engineering. From 2006 to 2016, he worked in the petroleum fields of the Middle East as Mud Logger, Data Engineer, Pressure Engineer, Operations Supervisor & Field Support, Training Chief Instructor in Petroservices-GmbH, Egypt Branch. Dr. Sinde joined the International University of Grand-Bassam in September 2016 where he has been teaching and supervising the following courses: Materials & Processes, Applied Thermodynamics, Pre-Calculus, Quality Control Technology, Introduction to Mechanics, Elements of Plant Design, Fluid Mechanics Applications, Fundamentals of Biomechanics, Downhole Drilling Tools and Technology, Fundamentals of Drilling Technology, Fundamentals of Offshore Systems, Fundamentals of Pipeline Design, Auto Manufacturing Systems, Manufacturing System Control, Industrial Work Measurement, Capstone & Internship.
Time: 16:55 - 17:20
He is presently a senior engineer in Safety, Environment, and Technology Supervision Research Institute of Petrochina Southwest Oil & Gas field Company, China. He received BA and MA degree in Applied Chemistry, Department of Chemical Engineering (China), and PhD in Chemical Engineering and Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, China University of Petroleum (Beijing). His current research interests are Enhanced oil recovery, Membrane technology, Oil and gas field wastewater treatment.
He has been working for the Libyan petroleum institute since 1989 .He has completed his Msc in 2007 of Durham University, UK and his main speciality is clastic sedimentoloical. His issued a lot of technical reports for oil industrial. He is the head of geology department at the same institute until now.