Global Summit on

Oil, Gas, Petroleum Science and Engineering

THEME: "Frontiers in Oil, Gas, Petroleum Science and Engineering Research"

img2 25-26 Mar 2024
img2 Barcelona, Spain
Milad BenRahuma

Milad BenRahuma

National Oil corporation, Libya

Title: Sedimentary Facies Development and Stratigraphic Architecture of the Early Devonian Sediments in Western Libya



Currently He is working as senior geologist for NOC. He has worked at petroleum research Centre (PRC) as a Sedimentologist, years of 1986-2009. He has received his PhD from University of Rennes1, France in 2010, He has more than 37 years of experience in oil industry, authored and coauthored many published papers. Dr Milad has led a technical team for petroleum systems assessment of Libya prepared for NOC (2013-2014). In addition to leading many excursions and field studies during several scientific events and projects. He experienced in the Paleozoic and Mesozoic rock in western Libya.

Research Intrest
