THEME: "Frontiers in Oil, Gas, Petroleum Science and Engineering Research"
Tashkent State transport University, Uzbekistan
Title: Engineering physics solves the problems of quantum mechanics
He is currently an academician and doctor of sciences at the
Turan Academy of Sciences, head of the educational department, and associate
professor of the Training Center of the Tashkent State University of
Communications. He graduated from the Tashkent Automobile and Road Institute
and Tashkent Higher Engineering and Pedagogical Institute. Previous main
professional activity: Associate Professor of the Tashkent Automobile and Road
Institute. Directions of scientific activity: fundamental questions of mechanics,
modeling of systems under the action of dynamic forces, atomic physics,
efficiency of internal combustion engines, and sustainable road transport.
More than 30 scientific results have been published in local
and foreign international journals, including 20 books on research on the
atomic structure and efficiency of combustion engines. Owners of two
inventions, four utility models, and five software patents.