Global Summit on

Oil, Gas, Petroleum Science and Engineering

THEME: "Frontiers in Oil, Gas, Petroleum Science and Engineering Research"

img2 25-26 Mar 2024
img2 Barcelona, Spain
Alexander Tarakanov

Alexander Tarakanov

National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia

Title: Improving Data Acquisition Optimization in Oil and Gas Production: A Machine Learning Solution with Orthogonal Decision Trees



He recently joined the Higher School of Economics as an Associate Professor. He specializes in developing advanced Machine Learning methods to enhance solutions for engineering problems. His research areas encompass a wide range of applications, including hydrocarbon production forecasting, subsurface CO2 storage, and image processing. In addition to his work at HSE, Alexander actively conducts research at Odnoklassniki, a social network, where he contributes to enhancing the existing Machine Learning solutions of the company by integrating cutting-edge research into practical applications. Alexander's research is driven by his industry experience, gained through working in companies like GazpromNeft-STC, Huawei, and Odnoklassniki. This background provides him with valuable insights into industry-related challenges, allowing him to tackle relevant problems and contribute to advancements in the field.

Research Intrest
